
Over the years I have worked on T-Mobile many times. When T-Mobile was launched in the U.S., I was on the team that helped establish their first brand voice by writing a number of their original collateral materials including comprehensive brochures, sales sheets, postcards and more. Later, I was asked by another agency working on the brand to develop posters and promotions for their first experimental retail stores. Everything needed to be very simple and graphic. The following are a few examples of the work we created.


The experimental retail stores had a giant video screen behind the help counter. To draw attention to the MyFaves Travel promotion, we created a video that replicated the look and feel of an airport departure board listing the prize destinations, each with a relevant twist. 


The Shadow was the first smart phone sold by T-Mobile positioned for non-business use. It was the dawn of people sending each other silly photos and other nonsensical missives. We decided play off the serious tone of business smart phone marketing with the following two posters. 

SideKick LX

The SideKick was a smartphone with an ingenious screen that swiveled and flipped-up to reveal a full keyboard. However, people wanted it to be more than just smart, they wanted it to be thin as well. The SideKick LX was both. 

Blackberry Pearl

Although the Blackberry’s popularity has been overshadowed by the iPhone, at the time of this promotion they were still hip enough to warrant making a big deal about the arrival of fashionable colors. The concept for this poster campaign was to focus on color as an expression of someone’s personality and what better personalities to bring it to life than celebrities with color as part of their name. I hate to admit that it was shelved in pre-production due to budget constraints.